Navigating Life with Type 1 Diabetes: My Journey and Resources for Support

Hey everyone, it’s Laura from Precision Physio Concord.

To acknowledge National Diabetes Week, I wanted to update you all on my current condition 1 and a half years after my Type 1 diabetes diagnosis and to educate you all on some services that can be accessed if you have Type 1, Type 2 or gestational diabetes.

My story and the Honeymoon Period 

I am nearly 2 years post diagnosis. I am currently in my honeymoon period of my diagnosis. For those of you who do not know what this is, the “honeymoon period” is a phase that some people with type 1 diabetes experience shortly after being diagnosed.  This is due to some of the insulin producing cells functioning as normal but only temporarily until they are completely destroyed and become non-working cells. During this time, a person with diabetes seems to get better and may only need minimal amounts of insulin. Some people even experience normal or near-normal blood sugar levels without taking any insulin. Studies have shown that the honeymoon period can last anywhere from a few days for up to 13 years. Other studies have shown that diet and exercise can prolong the honeymoon period as well as partaking in immunotherapy, but this research is ongoing. 

As I am still in the honeymoon period, I was able to progressively reduce the amount of insulin I was injecting. As of February 2023, I stopped taking insulin and am managing my blood glucose levels through diet and exercise. This was a major achievement for me as it has allowed me to live my life as normal as possible, whilst not experiencing the side effects of using insulin. I am still wearing a blood glucose monitor implant daily to ensure my blood glucose levels are constantly being monitored. As mentioned earlier, eventually all my working insulin producing cells will be destroyed and I will have to start taking insulin again, but I hope to prolong this as much as possible.

Diabetes Services in New South Wales

Whether you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, diabetes services are comprehensive and accessible, aiming to provide support, education, and management for individuals with diabetes. Here are some key aspects of diabetes services in NSW:

  1. Public Health System: NSW Health provides a range of services through hospitals, community health centres, and specialist clinics. These services include diagnosis, management, and education for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
  2. Diabetes Educators: Certified diabetes educators play a crucial role in NSW by providing education on self-management, nutrition, exercise, and medication management. They often work in hospitals, community health centres, and private practices.
  3. Specialist Services: There are specialized diabetes clinics and centres across NSW, particularly in major metropolitan areas like Sydney, Newcastle, and Wollongong. These centres offer multidisciplinary care involving endocrinologists, dietitians, podiatrists, and psychologists.
  4. Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS): The PBS subsidizes medications for diabetes management, making essential medications more affordable for eligible individuals.
  5. Diabetes NSW & ACT: This organization provides additional support services, advocacy, and education for people living with diabetes across the region.

The NDSS (National Diabetes Services Scheme)

The NDSS is an initiative of the Australian Government that commenced in 1987 and is administered by Diabetes Australia. It is a service that I use daily and has allowed me to continue to take control of my diabetes. The NDSS specifically provides people with diabetes the access to information and resources, diabetes self-management education programs, and a range of subsidised diabetes products. 

If you are newly diagnosed or have been dealing with diabetes for a while, and would like assistance in managing your condition, please do not hesitate to contact Precision Physio Concord and book in with one of our physios.

If you would like personalised advice or have any questions, feel free to call us at 9736 3950 and ask for Laura. We’re here to help you on your journey to better health and well-being.

You can also request a call now or book an appointment online through our website or request a call from us. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Book an Appointment Now!

  • Precision Physio Concord: 02 9736 3950
  • Precision Physio St Marys: 02 9623 2220
  • Precision Physio Mt Druitt: 02 9188 2552

Laura joined the team at Precision Physio Concord after gaining prior experience at another local practice. She completed a Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science in 2018 and Masters of Physiotherapy in 2020 both at the University of Technology, Sydney. Laura has been involved in sport for much of her life. She has participated in a number of sports and has worked in a number of sporting environments including soccer, AFL and rugby, and netball. She strongly believes in the importance of implementing elements of exercise rehabilitation into physiotherapy sessions, ensuring clients achieve their goals as quickly and efficiently as possible.

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